Sunday, March 6, 2016

Construction after the Destruction: A penny for your thoughts

Construction after the Destruction: A penny for your thoughts: We recently visited the local dentist and my daughter received a calendar with a AM/PM check box to encourage brushing twice a day.  She is ...

A penny for your thoughts

We recently visited the local dentist and my daughter received a calendar with a AM/PM check box to encourage brushing twice a day.  She is so excited about this chart.  Why have I not thought of a chart like this one before for potty training?  She is five and still wearing a pull up.  She is joy and love and so much more but mostly, she is set apart.  I am not sure why she has not mastered this.  I decided not to talk about it for a while.  Then it hit me, the chart and maybe money. Sadly, money motivates everyone.

I started giving her a quarter each night she does not pee in her nightly protection. This was a spark.  We are getting ready for a garage sale this next weekend and we have received so many donations that tons of things her age are falling out of boxes.  She picked up a Vera Bradley wallet donated by one of my closest friends.  She said, Mama? Can I please keep this wallet for my quarters.  Knowing she doesn't know the value of it I said, sure baby.  You can keep it.  Why not?

Anyways, this brings me to my point.  As I am disinfecting our home today from an illness I find her little wallet.  I open it up and sure enough there sits her little quarter.  I found the change lying around the house and put it in her wallet for when she returns she will see that Mama gave her more than she had earned.

I started weeping because the love is unconditional from our Father in Heaven as well.  How much more does he bless when we bring our little?  I wanted to bless my baby's wallet and make her $0.25 $1.00. If we give our best he is going to bless and multiply it.  I just know it to be true and I wanted to share with you that.  If you as a mother or father,  do such blessings for your children here on earth, how much more do you think our eternal father wants to bless us with?  Just a penny for your thoughts.

Friday, March 4, 2016

How Much Longer

I want to share with you a specific sermon message from some time ago.  This particular message I took notes on the back of a contract for a "lease to own" refrigerator after moving into a home that did not have one.  Silly me told the renters moving into our dream home we would leave our super nice refrigerator for them to use since we had double checked to make sure the home we were moving into had one.  Can I just say that in this life, I have learned every lesson the hard way.  I mean seriously.  I find this sermon message so ironically funny today because I remember that day.  I remember that Sunday not having my journal and if you know me you know this girl got journals coming out my ear.  It was as if God wanted me to find it the day I had a breakthrough.

Well, I am a slow learner but we have been doing this Dave Ramsey, Total Money Makeover challenge because, well...we broke and don't know why but God has moved us into a season where we are to learn from.  Anyways, going through all the "bills and debts" and money we owe I find this contract.  Apparently, it was the only thing this sister had to write with at church that Sunday.  How many of you know God got direct messages if we only listen.  He was telling me then....(August) but I didn't hear him because I was so stinking focused on the problem at hand.  See, I think God focuses more on our eternal problems and not temporary problems.  Oh, I was so mad that day that I couldn't find my journal.  So this message comes from my notes from which I took from Mark Green, our dearest pastor at Community Center Worship in Denton, TX.  You can find this series called, Planted at this link: 

Storms do not last 

This too shall pass * In due season.  Wow!  I heard this too shall pass and decided I was exempt.  I left off the part of me listening where he said, IN DUE SEASON.  :) 

** Stay in the boat** Do not get weary while doing.  Seasons of rest do not happen in the middle of the storm.  (Keep Vigilant).  Galatians 6:9.  In due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart.  I do not understand the circumstances but I trust God will heal me.  **

* Surround yourself with people who will not let you jump ship.  We need people who are bold enough to tell you the truth.  

Blessed are those who come in the name of the Lord.  Listen to your eternal friends.  Who cares what your "earthly people" think.  They are not running an eternal race like you are.  I cannot tell you how many people have stepped in the most difficult situations and spoke real truths to me during this season.  It is deep and personal so I do not want to share details but know that they were very hard for these people to come and tell me what I did NOT want to hear, the truth.  But because they love me and plan on seeing me in Heaven, they spoke HARD truths to me.  I will forever be grateful for these friends.

How Much Longer/ Are we there yet..........................................................(UGH)

Spiritual disciplines is what you do in the meantime while you are waiting on your pathway to destiny.  (In the meantime, as many have said).  In the meantime, eternal battles are being won on your behalf.  Don't jump ship. 


In Mark 5:1 (THEN)

Mark 6: Another Storm- Jesus sent them away while he went away to pray for them.

Jesus walked on water in 6:45-51 Be of good cheer! It is I, do not be afraid.  For they did not understand what was happening because their hearts were hardened.  The good news is they still survived the storm even though their hearts were not in the right place.

I have a friend named Alexis whom I have been a peer to; a mentor and cannot tell you how many times I have been there for her, in the middle of my crazy.  I have even gone as far as to hurt her.  How many of you know that the people whom look to you the most are going to be damaged by you the most in that moment of outrage.  Grace won our hearts back together.  I love her to pieces and I know that if our friendship was not built on a solid rock we wouldn't be friends today because my heart was hardened in a moment of weakness.

***Um...the bible may be a good survival tool but like any other dictionary it only states the facts and can be used in many ways which is why if you never read the bible it doesn't come alive to you (hence the HOLY part)...So you can believe whatever person who knows the bible about this or that but until you get on your knees and read it yourself you still going to be lost.  I am.  I am lost daily without DAILY getting my word or bread and whatever you choose to call it.  God wants a relationship with YOU, not your BFF.  Read and spend time with him and trust when I say how inconvenient it will be.  

We do not get to punch the prayers out or in and demand this and that from God.  He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  That's it.  Read for yourself.  He says, I AM.  

Stay faithful.  

The bible does not record how long the THEN, or the MEANTIME. So stay faithful. Jesus was a working man (carpenter) from the age of 12-30 years old then he went out on mission. 

So, in the meantime stay faithful. Remember, Jesus hand picked us from eternity for such a time as this.

The disciples stayed in the boat, stay in the house; stay in the chruch. Celebrate that you aren't who you use to be and when you need to rest and trust the captain.  Remember the one who got us in the boat in the first place.  What is before you seems bleek.


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